Kvietimas teikti straipsnius tematiniam Etniškumo studijų 2015/2 numeriui: Darbas ir migracija pokrizinėje Europoje

Call-for-articles of a special issue of Ethnicity Studies 2015/2Labour and migration in an age of austerity.

The issue will be edited by prof. Charles Woolfson (REMESO) and prof. Arūnas Juška (East Carolina University), co-authors of The Contradictions of Austerity: The Socio-Economic Costs of the Neoliberal Baltic Model. London and New York: Routledge, 2014.

The aim of the special joint issue is to bring together leading-edge scholarly papers and new research based evidence from both EU member states and from the former post-soviet states in areas of interest, centred on the following key themes:

  • Economic crisis, austerity measures and their impact for migration
  • Analysis of East-West migration flows
  • Labour migration and the socio-economic development of sending and receiving countries
  • Governance of migration within the EU and in the neighbouring post-communist states
  • Migration and the segmentation of labour markets by ethnicity and gender
  • Civil and political responses to the economic crisis, austerity and migration

The list of themes is not final, other suggestions are welcomed. The articles will be selected based on anonymous reviews of two reviewers, appointed by the editorial board.

The texts should be preferably written in English; contributions in Lithuanian and Russian are also welcome.

The joint issue is based on the cooperation of the Institute for Research in Migration, Ethnicity and Society (REMESO, Linköping University, Sweden) and the Institute for Ethnic Studies (Lithuanian Social Research Centre, Lithuania).

Please submit your abstract to vita@ces.lt  by November 30, 2014.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the guest editors. Authors of selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers by March 15, 2015.

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